Fire Safe Council Grant Portal
Fire Department Grant Portal
Paramedic / Fire Academy Scholarship Portal

619.814.1352  |  2508 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92106   |   Fire Safe Council Portal   |   Fire Department Portal   |   Paramedic / Fire Academy Scholarship Portal  |  DONATE NOW

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Youth Development

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  1. San Diego County continues to grow, adding new fire stations and firefighters. At the same time, long-time firefighters are retiring, and the pipeline of new recruits is drying up.

  3. For the youth that are finishing high school contemplating their future, a career in public safety offers many different career paths: EMT, paramedic, firefighter, fire marshal, etc. This issue is especially prevalent in underserved communities. Finishing high school with a solid career path will change the trajectory of a student’s life.

  5. The fire service has a variety of career opportunities and is struggling to get its firefighters to “look more like the communities they serve.”

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The first step in a fire service career is to obtain a EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certification. Students can begin this effort in high school by taking EMT prep classes and the in-school fire academy. Under this program, students would complete their EMT course equipment at a community college and be ready to take the EMT certification examination and receive an EMT license at age 18….. ready to begin a very rewarding career in the fire service or medical field.

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The Fire Foundation also supports Explorer Programs at fire departments where youth experience firsthand working at a fire station and what it takes to be a firefighter. From Explorer to Chief…read the story about North County Fire Chief Keith McReynolds.

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“I joined the North County Fire Explorer Program in fall of 1990. As a Fire Explorer I immediately developed a passion for the fire service and, the North County Fire Protection District. Through ride-a-longs and weekly trainings I learned what the fire service was all about and, the importance of dedication and professionalism. After spending a few years in the Explorer Program and graduating from Vista High School in 1992, I began attending Palomar College where I completed EMT training and general education. I was hired as a Reserve/Firefighter with North County in 1994. I went on to complete Paramedic training and the Palomar College 11th Basic Fire Academy and was hired with North County Fire as a Firefighter/Paramedic in 1996.

Shortly after being hired, I had a desire to begin giving back to the Explorer Program, so I decided to be a program advisor. For seven years I lead North County Fire Explorer Post #2740. It was during those years that I truly developed the leadership skills that I would carry with me through the rest of my career. I spent ten years as a Fire Captain, two years as a Battalion Chief, two years as an Administrative Battalion Chief, two years as a Division Chief, and in 2021 I was promoted to Fire Chief, all with North County Fire.

Fire Explorer Programs work. They give young people the opportunity to gain exposure to a fascinating and exciting career. Through learning and development, Explorer Programs are a gateway to one of the most rewarding careers in the world. Beyond the fire service, there are many other Explorer Programs available including law enforcement.”

Keith McReynolds
Fire Chief

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The Fire Foundation also supports Explorer Programs at fire departments where youth experience firsthand working at a fire station and what it takes to be a firefighter. From Explorer to Chief…read the story about North County Fire Chief Keith McReynolds.
